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Crew Foreman:

M&M Erectors are looking for additional crew foreman with a minimum of 3 years experience of steel metal building erection. This is a full-time position with good benefits. A valid ID and Social Security number is required.

Call 713-671-5333 for more information.

Skilled Workers:

Metal and roof sheeting workers needed (not sheet rock) in North Houston. We work some Saturdays. Get $11-$20/hr., overtime after 40 hours. Transported to each job. Valid SS & ID required. Full benefits and paid holidays. Cannot be afraid of heights. Call 713-671-5333.

Trabajadores en metal y lamina (no en sheet rock) Norte de Houston. Trabajamos algunos Sabados. $11-$20/hr., tiempo extra después de 40 horas. Transportamos a los trabajos. Requerimos Seguro Social y ID valido. Beneficios y vacaciones pagadas. No tener miedo de alturas. Llame al 713-671-5333.

Click the button below for a copy of the Job Application. 

Haga clic en el botón de abajo para una copia de la Solicitud de empleo.


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